If you have a picky eater or a problem eater, try incorporating these tips during your family meal times!
Establish a meal time routine: wash hands, help set the table, wipe messes with napkins, clean up.
Encourage sensory exploration: see, touch, smell, kiss, lick, bite, chew. Move at your child's pace through these exploration phases.
Build positive relationships around food: use positive language and avoid negative reinforcement if your child does not finish their food or does not try new foods.
Describe what you're eating: talk about what you see, feel, taste, and like!
Small bites and sips at a time to avoid overstuffing or choking hazards.
Present liquids in open cups or sippy cups to assist with bottle weaning.
Sit upright with feet on the floor for the duration of the meal for safe swallowing positioning.
Have set snack and meal times to prevent grazing throughout the day.
If your child has dysphagia, consult a SLP for safe swallowing strategies and diet modification needs!